

1285 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 1285 products
***COMING SOON*** Wash Bucket for Leica Autostainer, w/ handle***COMING SOON*** Wash Bucket for Leica Autostainer, w/ handle
*COMING SOON* Large Sectioning Brush, Magnetic Tip
02003-001 Left Vertical Clamp (USED) - Cytyc ThinPrep 2000
02003-002 Right Vertical Clamp (USED) - Cytyc ThinPrep 2000
02019-001 Fixative Bath Holder (USED) - Cytyc ThinPrep 200002019-001 Fixative Bath Holder (USED) - Cytyc ThinPrep 2000
02170-001 Waste Pinch Valve (USED) - Cytyc ThinPrep 2000
02171-001 Waste Isolation Valve (USED) - Cytyc ThinPrep 2000
10% NBF Formalin10% NBF Formalin
Rankin 10% NBF Formalin
10167 LCD Screen/Display - Leica CV5030  (14047844816)
12-Place Plastic Manual Staining Station12-Place Plastic Manual Staining Station
12-Place Plastic Manual Staining Station12-Place Plastic Manual Staining Station
14012338521 Stepper Motor with Clutch Assy (USED) - Leica CV5030
14047743956 Cable Channel (USED) - Leica CM195014047743956 Cable Channel (USED) - Leica CM1950
14047743958 Cable Channel (USED) - Leica CM1950

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